Featured ArticleMandaue CityMandaue City Comprehensive National High SchoolMCCNHSSenior High School Students
MCCNHS holds Blogging 101 To Senior High School Students
When a friend and a teacher asked me to help him with his Creative Non-Fiction Subject in Senior High School, my response was "I'm interested Teacher!!". Because that was how I was so eager to really help him and luckily, there was some open space on the last week of my May Calendar. Then the rest was history - it was all about the amazing engagement of Senior High Students of Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School (MCCNHS).
Sharing my knowledge and expertise about a topic in which I know I am somehow "above basic" always stimulates the inner teacher in me. I forgot when was my last Speaking engagement but I'm sure it was with College Students at CIT University. Last Wednesday, I was again challenged to talk in front with a 15-minute lecture on a topic, Blogging 101. In front of four sets of Senior High School students consisting of 40-50 per section, I was able to share my insights and experiences as a Cebu Blogger for 16 years (and counting). It was indeed a fulfilling achievement!
I would like to thank Mr. Arnel Pedrano Cortes under the leadership of Mam Rosita Timbal Nacorda, for opening this opportunity to meet your Creative Non-Fiction Studs who are very curious and very open to learning a lot about the topic. I was amazed at how interactive they were and the engagement they showed during the session was just adorable and they were very competitive!
Till next time guys and gals! I hope you'll finish your Performance tasks for this subject and you'll pursue Blogging as a Hobby which can also be your outlet for expressing yourself online and to the world.
FUN FACT: I finished my first year of High School there in Compre before I transferred to our Barangay High School.
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