Why Did I Join Cebu Food Crawl ?

by - 9:41 AM

Last November 27 to 30, Cebu Bloggers Society, a 7 year old Blogging Organization in Cebu successfully organized two events days before Christmas Month, CBS Talks : Best Blogging Practices and Cebu Food Crawl (CFC). With the support of SMART Communications, CBS got productive in those Four Days and was able to help in promoting Local Restaurants in the Tourism Industry. Do you know why FaceCebu joined CFC?

Here are top reasons why FaceCebu joined the event and at the same time, suggestions to inspire Cebu Bloggers to attend the Second version on August 2016.

1. Get to know Cebu Bloggers Society and its Members
A photo posted by Cebu Bloggers Society (@cebubloggers) on

A photo posted by Cebu Bloggers Society (@cebubloggers) on

A photo posted by Cebu Bloggers Society (@cebubloggers) on

A photo posted by Cebu Bloggers Society (@cebubloggers) on

Unlike any other organizations, CBS has been passionate to Blogging and to its members' development. The organization was founded by yours truly, Mark Monta on February 14, 2008 thinking I could helped Cebu in promoting its Tourism to the World. And I think, I was successful. The only Blogging Organization in Cebu that most Businesses support and believe. CBS never uses its members for self benefits but of course always seeing the greater good for everyone. If you're new to Blogging, CBS is the right family that you can go and learn more.

Cebu Food Crawl was organized and managed by Cebu Bloggers Society with a special mention to Atty. Ethelbert Ouano of Nindotkaayo.com who headed the event. With the help of more than 20 Cebu-based Bloggers and 3 out of town Bloggers, the event went successful.

2. Gain Blogger Friends

CFC Participants were not complaintive about the excess eating they were doing. In fact, it was not the eating that bonded the participants, it's the camaraderie and the stories they shared during CFC. Some of the Food Crawlers were not from CBS but they showed support and love to the effort that the organization spent.

3. Taste Cebu's Best with CFC

Cebu Food Crawl Team did not choose commercialized Restaurants but the team especially selected Cebu's pride just like the best Hot Wings in town, Gibbs', the best Paella in Cebu, Ipar's and best Seafood Resto, Ocean Garden Restaurant to name a few. Now, who's excited for next year's Cebu Food Crawl?

4. Learn to control your cravings

We all know Gluttony is a sin but that weekend was not an excemption. Yes, we had exceeded the feeding but since we did know that we ate almost hourly, we just tasted a bit of the bests. We learned to control our love to those foods and cravings were satisfied well.

5. Be inspired with Restaurant Owners and Entrepreneurs

A photo posted by Cebu Bloggers Society (@cebubloggers) on

Aside from Foods and friendships over meal, Cebu Food Crawlers were excited and amazed to the Entrepreneurs behind Cebu's Best Restos. For example, The Chocolate Ambassador, Ms. Raquel Choa who started as "Tablea Maker" in a young age and now, she's successful on Cebu's chocolate destinations, Ralfe Gourmet, The Chocolate Chamber (TCC) and Casa de Cacao. Indeed, She's the woman of inspiration and hope.

These are just five of the many reasons why Cebu Bloggers should join Cebu Food Crawl. For details, please follow Cebu Food Crawl at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CebuFoodCrawl/
Twitter: @CebuFoodCrawl
Instagram: @CebuFoodCrawl

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  1. Amazing! Excited to join next year too~

  2. Unfortunately I failed in number 4.haha it's too hard to resist! Nice read Mark. thanks for sharing!

    cheers from: https://masterryo.wordpress.com


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